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Eustream introduces new services

Title Transfer Service
Title Transfer Service enables the gas title transfer between users of the title transfer service within Eustream transmission network. The service is performed at the respective entry/exit point, or at the Virtual Trading Point (see description below). Upon signing the contract on title transfer service with Eustream the execution of gas ownership transfer is secured. For more information please see the Article 8.1. of the Operational order.
Virtual Trading Point
Virtual trading point is defined as a virtual point located in Eustream network between entry points and exit points. Any shipper with booked daily capacity can deliver the gas into the VTP and take off the gas from the VTP. The service of the VTP can use not only shippers of Eustream network but also the traders registered at Eustream (based on Title Transfer Contract).
Shorthaul service
Using Shorthaul service the shippers who booked entry/exit capacity at Lanzhot and Baumgarten and who perform the transmission at the route Lanzhot – Baumgarten and vice versa in compliance with provisions of the Article 8.4 of the Operational Order, can obtain additional discount on transmission tariffs.
Day Ahead service
To increase the flexibility of transmission for our customers, Eustream launches Day Ahead Service and thereby enables the customer to book daily capacity for the next day. Entering into Framework Contract (see below) is the precondition for such a service to the shipper.
Framework contract
After signing the Framework Contract the shipper is allowed to book short term capacities operatively (in particular: daily, day ahead, and monthly capacities). Particular requests and confirmations on capacity granting are inseparable part of the Framework Contract. Flexibility and comfort in booking process is increased by electronic booking system (so called online booking) being prepared by Eustream to its customers.
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